Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association put AdventureSmart on the Monopoly Board

Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association (LDSAMRA) are to have a position on a new Monopoly Board being launched in April.  LDSAMRA was chosen by the board manufacturers, Winning Moves UK, following a public vote last year.

They have been given the first place on one of the two utility slots.  The new game will feature more than 30 Lakes landmarks along with with Lake District themed cards.  It is great that the public has thought of the 12 Mountain Rescue Teams covering Cumbria when considering which charity should be given a square on the new board.

It is planned to be on sale before Easter and the LDSAMRA square has a reference to AdventureSmart UK which is a web-based safety awareness initiative that the teams launched last Spring in order to reduce accidents and “make your good day better”.  You can hear more about it here on Radio Cumbria 2hrs 14 minutes into the Caroline Robertson show.

Calling Welsh tourism businesses!

Please share the AdventureSmart messages to help keep your
customers happy and safe!

We need your help to encourage your customers/clients/members to enjoy the great UK outdoors safely. Together we can promote clear safety messages, which will encourage and enable people to be adventure smart, so they return to regale their friends with wonderful stories of their great adventure.  Click on the link below to find out more…..

Helping your guests to be adventure smart!

Ymgyrch diogelwch awyr agored Cymru’n ehangu ledled y DU!

Mae pobl sy’n mwynhau’r arfordir a chefn gwlad ledled Cymru a Lloegr yn cael eu hannog i ‘fentro’n gall’ gyda lansiad ymgyrch diogelwch awyr agored newydd – Mentro’nGall UK.

Heddiw mewn derbyniad yn Adeilad y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd, bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog ar gyfer Diwylliant, Chwaraeon a Thwristiaeth, yr Arglwydd Elis-Thomas, yn dathlu ehangu menter Mentro’nGall, a ddechreuodd yng Nghymru gyda chefnogaeth ariannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, dros y ffin.

Gan adeiladu ar frand cyfarwydd Mentro’nGallCymru, mae brand trawiadol ar gyfer y DU wedi cael ei ddatblygu. Y nod yw lleihau nifer y digwyddiadau y gellir eu hosgoi y mae’r gwasanaethau achub a brys yn delio â hwy bob blwyddyn drwy ddatblygu a hybu cyfres gynhwysfawr o negeseuon diogelwch. Yr wythnos ddiwethaf, Ardal y Llynnoedd ynCumbria oedd y rhanbarth cyntaf yn Lloegr i ymuno â Chymru yn y dull arloesol hwn o gyfathrebu diogelwch i’r holl bobl sy’n dod i archwilio’r rhanbarth bob blwyddyn. Mae trafodaethau ar droed yn awr gyda rhanbarthau eraill ledled y DU.

Beth bynnag yw’r gweithgaredd, mae ‘mentro’n gall’ yn golygu ystyried rhai pethau syml i helpu i roi cychwyn gwych i’ch diwrnod ac i sicrhau eich bod yn dychwelyd yn ddiogel gan edrych ymlaen at eich antur nesaf. Mae arbenigwyr o sefydliadau diogelwch a chwaraeon blaenllaw wedi datblygu’r negeseuon hyn er mwyn darparu’r wybodaeth hanfodol sy’n ofynnol i bobl godi allan i’r awyr agored yn hyderus eu bod wedi paratoi ar gyfer diwrnod gwych.

Anogir pobl i ofyn tri chwestiwn cyn cychwyn ar eu siwrnai:

1. Oes gen i’r offer addas?
2. Ydw i’n gwybod sut bydd y tywydd?
3. Ydw i’n hyderus bod gen i’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau ar gyfer y diwrnod?

Mae gwefan newydd, yn darparu’r holl wybodaeth ofynnol i ateb

y cwestiynau yma, gan gynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl ar gyfer rhanbarthau Mentro’nGall. Bydd llawer o sefydliadau partner sy’n ymwneud â thwristiaeth a hamdden awyr agored yn ymuno i ledaenu neges Mentro’nGall ymhell ac agos.


Dywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog ar gyfer Diwylliant, Chwaraeon a Thwristiaeth, yr Arglwydd Elis-Thomas: “Rydw i’n hynod falch ein bod ni wedi gallu cefnogi’r catalydd ar gyfer y prosiect hwn. Rydyn ni i gyd eisiau i bobl fwynhau’r awyr agored yn ddiogel, a thrwy gydweithio mae’r prosiect yma wedi galluogi pobl i fentro’n gall a chael yr wybodaeth y mae arnyn nhw ei hangen i fod yn barod ac i fwynhau eu hamser yn yr awyr agored yn ddiogel.”


Nodiadau i Olygyddion

Mae Mentro’nGall UK yn ehangu ymgyrch ddiogelwch Mentro’nGallCymru a lansiwyd yn 2018, gyda chyllid rhannol drwy Gronfa Arloesi Cynnyrch Twristiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru a chyfraniadau ychwanegol gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, Cyngor Mynydda Prydain, Ardaloedd o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol Cymru a Chymdeithas Chwaraeon Cymru.

Y nod yw lleihau nifer y digwyddiadau y gellir eu hosgoi y mae’r gwasanaethau achub a brys yn delio â hwy bob blwyddyn. Yr amcan yw sefydlu cyfres gynhwysfawr o negeseuon diogelwch a gweithio gyda’r sector awyr agored i hybu’r rhain ymhell ac agos.

Am ymholiadau prosiect cyffredinol cysylltwch â Paul Donovan, 07970 871711

Cefnogir Mentro’nGall Ardal y Llynnoedd Cumbria gan Gymdeithas Chwilio ac Achub Mynydd Ardal y Llynnoedd a Sefydliad JD.

Welsh outdoor safety campaign goes UK wide!

People enjoying the coast and countryside across Wales and England are being encouraged to be ‘AdventureSmart’ with the launch of a new outdoor safety campaign -AdventureSmart.UK.

Today at a reception at the Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay, Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Lord Elis-Thomas will celebrate the roll out across the border of the AdventureSmart initiative which began in Wales with the support of funding from Welsh Government.

Building on the established AdventureSmartWales branding, a strong, eye-catching UK brand has been developed: The aim is to reduce the number of avoidable incidents which the rescue and emergency services deal with each year through the development and promotion of a comprehensive set of safety messages. Last week Lake District Cumbria were the first English region to join Wales in this innovative approach to communicating safety to the many people who explore the region each year. Discussions are now ongoing with other regions across the UK.

Whatever the activity, being AdventureSmart is about considering a few simple things to help your day stay great and to ensure that you return safe and sound looking forward to your next adventure. Experts from leading safety and sporting organisations have developed these messages to provide the essential information needed for people to get outdoors, confident that they have prepared for a great day.

People are prompted to ask three questions before they set off:

1. Do I have the right gear?
2. Do I know what the weather will be like?
3. Am I confident I have the knowledge and skills for the day?

A new website, provides all the information they need to answer

these questions, including detailed information for the AdventureSmart regions. Many partner organisations involved with tourism and outdoor recreation will be joining forces to spread the AdventureSmart messages far and wide.


Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Lord Elis-Thomas, said: “I’m delighted that we were able to support the catalyst of this project. We all want people to enjoy the outdoors safely and by working together this project has enabled people to be adventure smart, have the information they need to be prepared and enjoy their time in the great outdoors safely.”


Notes to Editors:

AdventureSmart UK is a rollout of the safety campaign AdventureSmartWales which was launched in 2018, part-funded via the Welsh Government’s Tourism Product Innovation Fund; with additional contributions from Snowdonia National Park Authority, British Mountaineering Council, Welsh Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Welsh Sports Association.

The aim is to reduce the number of avoidable incidents which the rescue and emergency services deal with each year. The objective is to establish a comprehensive set of safety messages and to work with the outdoor sector to promote these far and wide.

For general project enquiries contact Paul Donovan, 07970 871711

AdventureSmart Lake District Cumbria is supported by Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association and the JD Foundation.

Lake District becomes first region in England to be ‘AdventureSmart’

People enjoying the coast and countryside of Lake District and Cumbria are being encouraged to be ‘AdventureSmart’ with the launch today of a new safety campaign – AdventureSmart.UK.

AdventureSmart UK is a rollout of the successful AdventureSmartWales campaign, first launched in 2018, part-funded by the Welsh Government. Building on the established AdventureSmartWales branding, a strong, eye-catching UK brand has been developed with the support of the Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association and the JD Foundation. AdventureSmart Lake District Cumbria will be the first English region to join Wales in this innovative approach to communicating safety to the many people who explore the Lake District, Cumbria each year.

The Lake District National Park Authority is hosting a launch event today at Coniston Boating Centre. Chief Executive Richard Leafe said “As a national park the Lake District is open to everyone and many of our 19 million visitors enjoy the park every day without incident.  However, unfortunately, there are a rising number of avoidable accidents every year, placing a strain on our volunteer mountain rescue services. So we are delighted to join AdventureSmart in encouraging walkers and all adventurers to be better prepared before heading out.”

Whatever the activity, being AdventureSmart is about considering a few simple things to help your day stay great and to ensure that you return safe and sound looking forward to your next adventure. Experts from leading safety and sporting organisations have developed these messages to provide the essential information needed for people to get outdoors, confident that they have prepared for a great day.

People are prompted to ask three questions before they set off:

  1. Do I have the right gear?
  2. Do I know what the weather will be like?
  3. Am I confident I have the knowledge and skills for the day?

A new website, provides all the information they need to answer these questions. Many partner organisations involved with tourism and outdoor recreation in the region will be joining forces to spread the AdventureSmart messages.

Gill Haigh, Managing Director of Cumbria Tourism said “As Cumbria’s official destination management organisation, we are delighted that so many visitors want to experience exciting and memorable adventures in our beautiful county. Visitor safety and enjoyment is of the utmost importance to us and it is vital to highlight guidance on how to stay safe on the fells and in the lakes. We are proud to support the Adventure Smart initiative and are confident it will educate and inspire locals and tourists alike to get out and enjoy their own adventures in as knowledgeable, confident and secure manner as possible.”


Notes to Editors:

  • AdventureSmart UK is a rollout of the safety campaign AdventureSmartWales which was launched in 2018, part-funded via the Welsh Government’s Tourism Product Innovation Fund. The aim is to reduce the number of avoidable incidents which the rescue and emergency services deal with each year. The objective is to establish a comprehensive set of safety messages and to work with the outdoor sector to promote these far and wide.

For general project enquiries contact Paul Donovan, 07970 871711

AdventureSmart Lake District Cumbria is supported by Lake District Search and Mountain

Rescue Association and the JD Foundation. Partner organisations actively involved in campaign development and delivery are;

Cumbria Police
Cumbria Tourism
Institute of Outdoor Learning
Lake District National Park Authority
Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association
National Trust


Richard Leafe – Chief Executive of Lake District National Park Authority
Gill Haigh, Managing Director of Cumbria Tourism
Paul Donovan – AdventureSmart Project Manager
Nick Owen – Lake District Mountain Rescue (with Paul Donovan)