Be adventure smart in spring and summer

Be Adventure Smart in Spring & Summer


The urge to explore the coast and countryside is strong as winter eases its grip and softens into spring. Spring is a time to re-engage with those ventures you may have put on hold during the winter months but don’t rush into things; take your time to become readjusted to the natural environment. The weather conditions are changing with air and water temperatures slowly beginning to rise but the hills may still have some lingering snow patches, the winds will still affect the temperature and the rivers, lakes, canals and sea will remain chilled.

As the days lengthen and the sun strengthens into summer the great outdoors may be more inviting but it is still important to make sure you plan for your day’s activity.  Whether exploring on foot, with the dog or on a bike, venturing into the hills to walk and/or climb, or heading to coastal or inland waters for a swim, paddle or sail, follow the AdventureSmart guide to enjoying the outdoors in spring and summer.

The 3 AdventureSmart questions are as important as ever; remember that weather conditions can still change quickly….so you need to understand the WEATHER forecast and plan for all conditions; pack the right GEAR and reestablish those SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE that may have lay dormant over the winter months.

Whether you’re new to venturing outdoors or a seasoned pro, wherever you’re going and whatever you’re doing, consider your  SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE and those of your companions. Your plans must take into account the skills, knowledge and fitness of the least able/experienced person in your group.

Even in good weather, it’s important to know where you are and where you’re going.  Know how to use a paper map and an App to ensure you make the right decisions at the right time to ensure you stay on your chosen path. Follow our simple guide to Keeping on Track.

It’s always a good idea to improve your skills with some training:

Hill walking/Mountaineering
Canoeing and other paddlesports, including SUP
Mountain biking
Sailing, Windsurfing and Powerboating
Rock climbing
Horse riding

If you are heading for the hills on foot or mountain bike, reaching the summit may be a challenge in windy/wet weather and also in high temperatures; switching to a lower level will help ensure you all enjoy the day comfortably. Be realistic about the amount of time you will be out. Whilst daylight hours are increasing, it can still be cold or sometimes very hot, in these conditions keep your plans less physically demanding and therefore achievable for all in your party. It’s always OK to choose a more suitable route or turn back. Look for well-described, promoted routes suitable for your ability.  Check out National Park and AONB websites for walking routes for all abilities.

We are all used to wet summers in the UK, if you are swimming or paddling, the technical skills required to tackle inland waters can increase dramatically after rainfall, and water levels can rise and fall quickly. Whether on a river, lake, canal or at the coast respect the water and look for and follow local safety advice.

If you end up in the water, intentionally or unintentionally, remember to ‘Float to Live’ – cold water shock passes in less than 2 minutes, so relax & tilt your head back with your ears under water and use your hands to help you float until you can control your breathing.

There are many qualified experts out there to ensure you have a great day so if you’re doing something new, going somewhere new or exploring new terrains or conditions why not go with a qualified guide/instructor?

Accidents can happen however AdventureSmart you are, so make sure you know what to do in an emergency with our guide to calling for help.

Be tick aware!

Ticks are found in many urban and rural areas but you are most likely to encounter them when doing activities in the countryside. Ticks can be active all year round but they are most active from March to October.  Ticks can carry infections, including Lyme disease so it’s important to be tick aware….find out more

2. Do I know what the WEATHER will be like?

The UK weather can always be unpredictable so it’s important to take the time to understand what the weather has been like over the past few days, what the weather is doing on the day of your adventure and how that affects the ground and environmental conditions.

Heavy rainfall can change river patterns and levels dramatically so, it’s always worth checking the flow and levels before heading out on the river. Strong winds will affect the sea swell along the coast and shoreline and make conditions on inland lakes tricky.

On land, it’s still possible to have snow and hail in spring, and rain is always a possibility whatever the season, all of which can make ground conditions challenging. Hot weather can tempt us out of our comfort zone and tempt us into risky situations.

Understanding the weather forecast is important whatever the season. Weather conditions can change rapidly with time and, if you are in the hills/mountains, will also vary with height. Remember that winds and heavy rain can be raging at the summit when it is merely cloudy and breezy, or even sunny in the valleys. Strong winds can affect your progress and add to the wind chill factor; this will become more significant the higher you go. Low cloud, either from cloud moving across the area or generated by the hills themselves, results in poor visibility.

Some regions provide current local information about the conditions in the hills and mountains. The Met Office has a dedicated mountain weather forecast site, providing mountain forecasts for the main mountain areas. Forecasts are issued twice a day and cover daylight hours. Always check the forecast for the highest point on your route and for your start and finish time. Remember that in wet weather, strong winds and when it is hot, you will tire more quickly – you may need to alter your plans, stick to lower levels and/or take a shorter route. If the forecast doesn’t look too clever, be flexible, choose a different route or turn back.

Be Sun Smart!

Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer, which is all mainly preventable, with adequate sun protection.  We’ve picked out the absolute essentials for being sun-smart below but visit the Melanoma Fund for the ultimate guide to being sun-safe outdoor.



  • Use an SPF30+ broad-spectrum product, paying special attention to your ears, nose and other areas that are prone to burning.
  • Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, or more often if you are prone to excessive perspiration or are around water.
  • Apply a generous amount of sunscreen, a little more than you think, and take time to rub it in.
  • Perspiration and wiping off dirt etc. can remove even a ‘once a day’ product, so remember to re-apply it during the day.
  • Hands are highly exposed and vulnerable to the sun, so remember to reapply sunscreen after washing.
  • Most sunscreens have a three-year shelf life, but the more the bottle is opened and closed – specifically with dirty hands – the more likely contamination can enter the bottle and hasten degradation.


  • Wraparound sunglasses are great for outdoor activity as they provide a more secure fit and offer the best protection.
  • Always wear a hat. Your forehead, scalp and ears are vulnerable areas, so wear something with a legionnaire flap at the back or ideally a wide brim. Caps and visors may not provide adequate sun protection to the lower face, ears and neck but can be used in combination with sunscreen.
  • Where possible, wear lightweight clothing that protects arms and legs. Garments with a tight weave offer the best protection. When the day heats up, it is a natural impulse to remove clothing, which can mean exposing skin that has not been sun-protected, so remember to reapply sunscreen to these areas.

3. Do I have the right GEAR?

Whatever your activity and whatever the time of year, it is important to ensure you have what is needed for your chosen adventure. It doesn’t need to be the most expensive, high-tech kit; you just need to pack the right things to ensure you can enjoy your day whatever the conditions. Lots of layers and spares are key to keeping warm whatever the season. You may not think you will need them at your start point but if you are heading into the hills it is likely to be colder, windier and wetter the higher you go, if you are carrying the right kit you will be able to adapt to the conditions and enjoy your day. If the conditions become challenging and you don’t have the right gear it’s always best to be flexible and follow the path back down to your starting point.

Take a look at our essential kit lists on the AdventureSmart activity pages which will ensure you are covered whatever the weather but in summer always make sure you pack:

• sunscreen – apply it before you set off and reapply during the day
• sun hat
• sunglasses
• plenty of drinking water

What to do in an emergency?

Accidents happen – even those who are well prepared can find themselves in difficulty. Knowing what to do in an emergency is essential, take time to assess the situation and decide what to do:

  • Stay calm and stay together.
  • Check that no one in your group is in immediate danger, you may need to move away from the danger.
  • If anyone is injured, you may need to treat them. Look for signs of life (airway/breathing/circulation) or blood loss. Download the St John Ambulance first aid advice app (No internet required to use the app: all the information is hosted on the app).
  • Insulate the casualty from the ground, add extra clothing and if they are unconscious place them in the recovery position.
  • Identify where you are on your map and consider your options:
    • Moving to safety – What will the conditions be like? How far do you need to go to reach safety? Are you able to carry the casualty? Will the casualty’s injuries be made worse by moving?
    • Finding shelter – Don’t use up valuable time and energy unless you are sure about finding shelter. Use your group shelter.
    • Staying put – Will your situation be resolved if you stay where you are?
    • Seeking help – Remember that even when the emergency services have been called they may take several hours to reach you.

Call 999 or 112 and ask for Police and Mountain Rescue if in the mountains or hills, or Coastguard if on the coast or at sea. Conserve mobile battery life by having all the details to hand before phoning for help.

You will need to give them the following details;

  • your location (grid reference if possible)
  • name, gender and age of casualty
  • nature of injuries or emergency
  • number of people in the party
  • your mobile phone number

Search and Rescue Teams may send a text message using SARLOC or Phone Find to help find your location.  Check who in your party has a mobile phone (and coverage) and evaluate the amount of battery life available in the event of additional calls being necessary. Preserve battery life by closing other apps and keeping your phone in an interior jacket pocket.

If there is no mobile signal at your location, consider whether it might be worth moving to another location to phone from.

The RYA SafeTrx app monitors your boat journeys and can alert emergency contacts and HM Coastguard should you fail to arrive on time.

If all other forms of communication fail, the internationally recognised emergency signals are six blasts on the whistle or six torch flashes repeated every minute.